Lam Nguyen Eliminated in 9th Place ($9,507)

Level 29
Blinds: 60,000/120,000/120,000
Total Entrants: 571
Players Remaining: 8

Lam Nguyen lost most of his stack when Andrew Rodgers was all-in with AK against Nguyen’s QQ, and an ace hit the turn to give Rodgers the double.

Shortly after, Nguyen moved all in for 500,000 from early position. Alain Medesan called on the button, Rodgers rejammed in the big blind, and Medesan called all in for roughly 900,000.

Nguyen: JJ
Medesan: KK
Rodgers: KK

The board ran out 31010AQ and Medesan and Rodgers chopped the pot while Nguyen was eliminated in ninth place for $9,507.

Andrew Rodgers – 3,200,000
Alain Medesan – 1,300,000
Lam Nguyen – 0

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