Event 12: Phil Hui Wins 3/4 to Knock Brandon Berkenfeld Down to 6 Big Blinds

$600 Mixed Pot-Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Level 21:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 125

Phil Hui
Phil Hui

Brandon Berkenfeld raised from the button to 50,000, Phil Hui called from the small blind, and Michael Lerner called from the big blind.

The flop came 10c9d8s, and Hui bet 170,000. Lerner folded, and Berkenfeld moved all in for roughly 200,000. Hui quickly called.

Phil Hui:  Ah7d6h3s  (ten-high straight)
Brandon Berkenfeld:  Ac8c8d3h  (set of eights)

The turn card was the 2s, the river card was the 4h, and the straight held up for Hui to win the high side, and both players made identical lows with A-3 to chop the low side. Hui wins 3/4 of the pot to knock Berkenfeld down to about 125,000.

Phil Hui  –  615,000  (31 bb)
Brandon Berkenfeld  –  125,000  (6 bb)

With four players remaining, the average chip stack is around 625,000 (31 big blinds). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $4,345 each.

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