Event 19: Peter Fellows Shows King High

$1,100 Seniors 50+ No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 22:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 73

Peter Fellows

Peter Fellows raised to 45,000 on the button and Stuart Taylor called in the big blind.

The flop was 3h2d2c and Taylor check-called Fellows’ continuation bet.

The turn was the 5d, Taylor checked, Fellows bet 100,000, and Taylor called.

The river was the Ts, Taylor led for 350,000, Fellows raised all in for about 680,000, and Taylor folded.

Fellows showed Ks4s as he collected the pot.

Petter Fellows  –  1,445,000  (72 bb)
Stuart Taylor  –  380,000  (19 bb)

1st:  $23,545 + SHRPO trophy
2nd:  $13,800

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