Eric Ahn Doubles Through Luis Yepez

Level 32
Blinds: 125,000/250,000/250,000
Total Entrants: 577
Players Remaining: 3

Eric Ahn raised to 500,000 from the button and Luis Yepez defended the big blind.

The flop landed K107 and Yepez check-called for 500,000.

The 2 fell on the turn, Yepez checked, and Ahn bet 700,000. Yepez check-raised all in, and Ahn called all in for 3,250,000.

Ahn: KQ
Yepez: 73

The 6 completed the board and Ahn stayed in front with his superior pair to secure the double and move into the chip lead.

Eric Ahn – 9,375,000
Florian Duta – 9,325,000
Luis Yepez – 4,400,000

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