Championship Day 1B: Matt Bretzfield Doubles Thru A.J. Kelsall

$5,300 SHRPO Championship
$3,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 10:  1,000/2,000 with a 2,000 ante
Day 1B Players Remaining:  170 of 456

Matt Bretzfield
Matt Bretzfield

A.J. Kelsall raised to 4,500 from under the gun, Matt Bretzfield reraised all in for 39,500 in middle position, and action folded back to Kelsall who called after a few moments.

Kelsall:  AcQs
Bretzfield:  AdJs

The board ran out Jd9h2h4dKd, giving Bretzfield a pair of jacks to double through Kelsall.

Matt Bretzfield  –  84,000  (42 bb)
A.J. Kelsall  –  68,000  (34 bb)

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