Championship: Elliot Smith Eliminated in 46th Place by Kevin Andriamahefa

$5,300 SHRPO Championship
Prizepool:  $4,195,250   |  Payouts  |  Results |  Structure
Level 20:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining:  45 of 865

Kevin Andriamahefa
Kevin Andriamahefa

Elliot Smith raised all in for 145,000 in early position and Kevin Andriamahefa called on the button with AhQd, leading Smith’s KdTh.

The board ran out Qs7s3d3cTs, not enough help to Smith, ending his tournament in 45th place.

Kevin Andriamahefa  –  1,175,000  (59 bb)
Elliot Smith  –  Eliminated in 46th Place  ($21,800)

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