Championship: Harrison Ashdown Doubles Thru Ren Lin

$5,300 SHRPO Championship
Prizepool:  $4,195,250   |  Payouts  |  Results |  Structure
Level 19:  10,000/15,000 with a 15,000 ante
Players Remaining:  60 of 865

Harrison Ashdown raised to 30,000 from the button, Ren Lin reraised all in with a covering stack from the big blind, and Ashdown called all in for 240,000 with AcKs, leading Lin’s KdJh.

The board ran out 9d6h5sThTc, safe for Ashdown to double up.

Harrison Ashdown  –  505,000  (33 bb)
Ren Lin  –  530,000  (35 bb)

With 60 players remaining from a field of 865, the average chip stack is around 720,000 (48 big blinds). The remaining players are in the money, guaranteed at least $15,500.

The post Championship: Harrison Ashdown Doubles Thru Ren Lin appeared first on Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Poker.

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