Championship: Josh Reichard with a Solid Lead at the Last Break of Day 2

$3,500 WPT Poker Showdown Championship
Prize Pool:  $5,980,800  | Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  10,000/15,000 with a 15,000 ante
Players Remaining:  166 of 1,869

Josh Reichard

Here are the chip leaders from the last break of Day 2:

1.  Josh Reichard  –  2,880,000  (192 bb)
2.  Michael Rocco  –  2,035,000  (136 bb)
3.  Matt Higgins  –  1,535,000  (102 bb)
4.  Kaleb Harwell  –  1,420,000  (95 bb)
5.  Dominick Sarle  –  1,400,000  (94 bb)
6.  Josh Arieh  –  1,295,000  (86 bb)

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