Event 1: Joseph Piambino Wins a Three-Way All-In; James Sullivan Out in 149th Place; Anthony Pathman Out in 150th Place

$400 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $1,937,100 | Structure | Payouts
Level 23:  15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Players Remaining:  148 of 5,870

Joseph Piambino
According to the players at the table, this was the fourth flopped set in the past five hands for Joseph Piambino.

Anthony Pathman moved all in from UTG+1 for 145,000, Joseph Piambino called from the hijack, and James Sullivan moved all in over the top from the button for about 235,000.

Piambino called, and all three players turned over their cards.

Joseph Piambino:  9h9d
James Sullivan:  AcJc
Anthony Pathman:  As6h

The board came 9s6d2c5sQs, and Piambino flopped a set of nines to win the pot and eliminate both of his opponents from the tournament.

Joseph Piambino  –  1,325,000  (53 bb)
James Sullivan  –  Eliminated in 149th Place  ($1,780)
Anthony Pathman  –  Eliminated in 150th Place  ($1,780)

With 148 players remaining, the average chip stack is around 795,000 (32 big blinds), and the remaining players are guaranteed at least $1,780 each.

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