Event 1: Mark Kropf – 12th Place ($3,860)

Event 1: Mark Kropf – 12th Place ($3,860)

$400 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool: $291,720 | Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  11 of 884

Marc Kropf

Lee Connell opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Pierre-Xavier Laurent moved over the top with his leading stack from the button. Marc Kropf called at risk in the small blind for 345,000 and Connell folded.

Laurent: AdJs
Kropf: AsQc

Kropf was in great shape for an early double and faded the 9h8d4h flop. The 8c turn was safe but Laurent paired his jack on the Jh river to send Kropf out.

Pierre-Xavier Laurent – 7,860,000 (131 bb)
Marc Kropf – Eliminated in 12th Place ($3,860)

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