Event 12: Phil Hui Doubles Up to Close the Gap

$600 Mixed Pot-Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 26:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 125


Anthony Angerami raised to 180,000 and Phil Hui defended his big blind.

The flop was Qh9d5c, Hui went all in for 340,000, and Angerami called.

Hui:  Jc9c8h5d
Angerami:  JsTd9s7d

Hui had nines and fives with a straight draw, while Angerami had the same straight draw, a pair of nines, and an open-ended straight draw.

The 3c turn and 8s river completed the board, safe for Hui to double up.

Phil Hui  –  1,100,000  (18 bb)
Anthony Angerami  –  1,395,000  (23 bb)

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