Event 26: Matt Lambrecht Doubles Thru Sam Ganzfried

$10,000 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 13:  15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Players Remaining:  9 of 69

Matt Lambrecht

Sam Ganzfried raised to 55,000 from under the gun, Matt Lambrecht reraised all in for 410,000 from the small blind, and Ganzfried called.

Ganzfried:  TcTd
Lambrecht:  AsQd

The board came 7s5d4cQc5s, giving Lambrecht queens and fives to double up.

Matt Lambrecht  –  870,000  (35 bb)
Sam Ganzfried  –  410,000  (16 bb)

The post Event 26: Matt Lambrecht Doubles Thru Sam Ganzfried appeared first on Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Poker.

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