Event 26: Timur Vardanian Eliminated in 30th Place by Roberto Gonzalez

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 28:  50,000/75,000 with a 75,000 ante
Players Remaining:  29 of 4,489

Timur Vardanian raised to 150,000 from the button, Brian Hall three-bet to about 650,000 from the small blind, Robert Gonzalez four-bet shoved for 2,525,000 from the big blind, Vardanian called all in for about 900,000, and Hall folded.

Vardanian:  QdTd
Gonzalez:  AdKh

The board ran out As4s3d8d8s, giving Gonzalez aces and eights to Vardanian in 30th place.

Roberto Gonzalez  –  4,200,000  (56 bb)
Timur Vardanian  –  Eliminated in 30th Place  ($10,400)

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