Event 30: Mark Kastory – 3rd Place ($5,555)

Event 30: Mark Kastory – 3rd Place ($5,555)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 23:  40,000/80,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  2 of 89

Mark Kastory

Ryan Hoenig raised to 80,000 from the button, Mark Kastory three-bet to 120,000 from the big blind, Hoenig four-bet to 160,000, and Kastory called all in for about 140,000.

Hoenig:  AdKdJc3h
Kastory:  AcTh6h2c

The board ran out 4c3s3dKsJd, giving Hoenig treys full of jacks to eliminate Kastory in third place.

Ryan Hoenig  –  2,025,000  (25 BB)
Jonathan Moschel  –  200,000  (2.5 BB)
Mark Kastory  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place  ($5,555)

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