Event 31: David Jackson Ties Things Up Against Nicholas Seward

$1,100 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $194,970  |  Structure  |  Payouts
Level 27:  30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 201

David Jackson
David Jackson

David Jackson raised from the button to 125,000, and Nicholas Seward called from the big blind.

The flop came 9s8h8c, Seward checked, Jackson bet 80,000, and Seward check-raised to 200,000. Jackson thought for a while before he called.

The turn card tripped the board with the 8s, and both players checked.

The river card was the Qs, Seward bet 175,000, Jackson raised to 590,000, and Seward thought for a while before he called. Jackson showed Qc7s to win the pot with a full house, eights full of queens, and Seward mucked.

David Jackson  –  2,500,000  (42 bb)
Nicholas Seward  –  2,525,000  (42 bb)

And here are the payouts at stake:

1st:  $44,830 + SHRPO trophy
2nd:  $29,500

(These updates are on the same 30-minute delay to avoid spoilers.)

The post Event 31: David Jackson Ties Things Up Against Nicholas Seward appeared first on Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Poker.

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