Event 46: Jibrael Hindi Doubles Through Vladimir Minko

$10,000 Deep Stack Eight-Handed NLH (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 12:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining:  9 of 51

Jibrael Hindi raised all in for 59,000 from the small blind and Vladimir Minko called in the big blind with Jh9h.

Hindi tabled AhKh and needed his hand to hold up to survive.

The board ran out Qd7h5c5h7d, safe for Hindi to double up.

Jibrael Hindi  –  138,000  (7 bb)
Vladimir Minko  –  52,000  (3 bb)

The post Event 46: Jibrael Hindi Doubles Through Vladimir Minko appeared first on Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Poker.

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