Event 6: Johnny Bromberg Wins ($98,100)! Chris Bissinger Runner-Up ($66,000)

$1,700 Deepest Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $454,500 | Payouts | Results
Level 28:  75,000/125,000 with a 125,000 ante

Johnny Bromberg

Johnny Bromberg opened to 300,000 from his button and Chris Bissinger called. The flop was 9h8s7d, Bissinger checked, Bromberg continued for 500,000 and Bissinger called.

The turn was 8d, Bissinger checked, Bromberg bet 800,000 and Bissinger called. The river was 4s, Bissinger checked again, and Bromberg announced all in.

Bissinger thought for two minutes and said “if you have it, you have it” and called at risk for 3,350,000.

Bissinger showed 7c6d for two pair eights and sevens but Bromberg quickly tabled the winner JdTc for a flopped jack-high straight.

Bissinger earned $66,000 for his runner-up finish while Bromberg earned $98,1000 and another Hollywood trophy.

1st: Johnny Bromberg – $98,100 + DSPS Trophy
2nd: Chris Bissinger – $66,000

Chris Bissinger

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