Is live casino poker set to be replaced by virtual reality?

The online casino world has undergone a significant makeover over the past decade. Even starting with physical brick-and-mortar casinos, the evolution moved on to depictions of classic casino games such as blackjack, roulette, poker and slots on computer screens, where a player could click to spin a reel or drag and drop a stack of chips.Over time, online visualizations of gameplay slowly improved with 3D graphics and characters introduced to supplement the increasingly accurate sound replications of individual games in a real-life casino.

Technological advancements have allowed online casino platforms and online poker rooms to create incredibly realistic live games, where cameras work closely with streaming processors to project a live image of a player from their home, or wherever they are playing from. However, there are still elements of live poker rooms that are becoming increasingly “old fashioned.” The sound of the rifling or nestling of chips is still quite metallic, and elevator music tends to be the default in many live rooms. But with further advancements in tech, we could soon be warping into a different reality completely, a virtual one.

Maintains quick gameplay

One of the main advantages that live casino brought to the poker playing population is that gameplay became speedier. The practicality of simply clicking a button to call, raise, or fold somehow made for quicker decision making, with individual games withdecision timers also introduced. In contrast to a live game in a casino, there is less atmosphere or interaction to take in and slow the gameplay down and while going to an actual casino tends to be a planned event, the ability to play on a computer, tablet, or phone at home means a player can also fit a quick game in around chores.

Combine convenience with atmosphere

While playing at a live casino does have its advantages, some players, perhaps the more traditional players amongst us, will also want the environment surrounding a poker game. The banter and verbal mind games at a table, the whoops of other players winning at other game tables, the gasps from the watching audience,are aspects unique even to high stakes games. James Bond would probably not have enjoyed beating Le Chiffre from behind a computer screen.

In many people’s opinion, the answer lies in the next stage of game technology. Virtual reality is starting to make a greater imprint on the gaming industry, with PlayStation just one of the brands fully operating the technology in their games.Some online casinos have already ventured into the virtual space, while others wait for further improvements before they start creating their virtual worlds.For many experts, virtual reality has the potential to combine convenience with realistic gameplay, and this could well be the future of poker play too.

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