Luis Yepez Eliminated in 3rd Place ($72,062)

Luis Yepez Eliminated in 3rd Place ($72,062)

Level 32
Blinds: 125,000/250,000/250,000
Total Entrants: 577
Players Remaining: 2

Florian Duta raised to 700,000 from the small blind, Luis Yepez moved all in for approximately 3,400,000 in the big blind, and Duta called.

Yepez: A9
Duta: 77

The board ran out 325105 and Duta’s sevens took the pot to eliminate Yepez in third place for $72,062.

Florian Duta – 15,100,000
Eric Ahn – 8,000,000
Luis Yepez – 0

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