Nathanial Simmerman Eliminated in 7th Place ($23,061)

Level 29
Blinds: 60,000/120,000/120,000
Total Entrants: 577
Players Remaining: 6

Luis Yepez raised to 240,000 from early position and Nathanial Simmerman defended the big blind.

The flop landed Q4J, Simmerman checked, and Yepez bet 200,000. Simmerman check-raised to 700,000, Yepez jammed, and Simmerman called all in for roughly 1,300,000.

Simmerman: KQ
Yepez: JJ

Simmerman was in rough shape against the flopped set, and although the Q turn brought a sweat, the 6 river bricked out to eliminate Simmerman in seventh place for $23,061.

Luis Yepez: 10,800,000
Nathanial Simmerman – 0

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