Party Poker MILLION Malta Winner – Mario Trattou

The Party Poker MILLIONS Malta event is over and we have a winner, Mario Trattou from Essex, England. He outlasted a field of 154 runners to scoop €93,000 first prize, a magnificent trophy and a memory that will last a lifetime. He defeated Sicilian Domenico Gala after a short heads up battle, when they got it all in pre-flop. Domenico had limped with AQ, Mario popped it to 475k, Domenico shoved and was called. The Englishman had aces and the board didn’t change anything, to bring the tournament to its conclusion.

Going into the final, the chip lead was held by WSOPE bracelet winner Fabio Peluso. He played a very aggressive game in the early exchanges and with five players left he commanded just over 50% of the chips in play. However it was not to be for the mercurial Italian who was eventually eliminated in 3rd place. Party Poker Team Pro Matt Staples scored his largest live win to-date when he picked up €31,900 for his 4th place finish, eclipsing his previous best of €23,000 (10th place at Party Poker MILLIONS Barcelona in 2022).

Mario Trattou had been whittled down to just two big blinds on the second day of the event and was absolutely delighted with his win, paying tribute to his family and their pet dog in the post match interview. Mario began playing in 2011, but had given up, only to resume playing during COVID lockdown. Having reignited his love for the game online, he began playing live again earlier this year and scored success in a high roller event in Paris. This victory eclipses that effort as his biggest live cash and he is hungry for more.

Party Poker MILLIONS Malta Result
Finishing Position Player Prize
1st Mario Trattou €93,000
2nd Domenico Gala €64,000
3rd Fabio Peluso €41,000
4th Matt Staples €31,900
5th Erik Lndqwist €24,510
6th Giuliano Boellis €19,400
7th Alberto Cigliano €15,900
8th Adam Hari €13,700
9th Jakub Wojtas €11,700
10th Richard Bouette €10,400
11th Demetrio Camanita €10,400
12th Ioannis Angelou €9,200
13th Ricardo de la Rosa €9,200
14th Michael Nagy €8,100
15th Thomas Clack €8,100
16th Clement Meunier €7,210
17th Taco de Goede €7,210
18th Paolo Boi €7,210
19th Raman Strakovich €7,210
20th Jacques Ammiel Blit €7,210

The full festival schedule of events can be found here

Photos from the event can be found here

Photography by Jean Marc Zerafa


Jonathan Raab

Party Poker MILLIONS Malta Media Coordinator

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