Super High Roller: Alex Foxen Eliminated in 3rd Place by Brandon Wilson

$50,000 Super High Roller (Re-Entry)
Level 12:  10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 11

Alex Foxen
Alex Foxen

Alex Foxen raised from the button to 140,000, Brandon Wilson moved all in from the big blind, and Foxen called all in for 185,000 with Ac4d.

Wilson turned over Ad10s, and Foxen needed to improve to stay alive.

The board came Jd9c5h8s3c, and Wilson won the pot with his ten kicker to eliminate Foxen on the Money Bubble in third place.

Alex Foxen  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place

Here are the approximate chip counts for the start of heads-up play:

Sean Winter  –  1,015,000  (51 bb)
Brandon Wilson  –  635,000  (32 bb)

And the payouts they’re playing for:

1st:  $346,775  +  SHRPO trophy
2nd:  $186,725

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