Championship: Jack Thu – 4th Place ($230,000)

$5,300 SHRPO Championship
Prizepool:  $4,195,250  |  Payouts  |  Results |  Structure
Level 30:  100,000/200,000 with a 150,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 865

Jack Thu
Jack Thu

Brandon Kessous raised under the gun to 500,000, Jack Thu moved all in from the cutoff for 2,525,000, and Kessous thought for a while before he called with 8s8c.

Thu turned over As9h, and needed to improve to stay alive.

The board came 7c6d4h5h6c, and Kessous won the pot with an eight-high straight to eliminate Thu in fourth place.

Jack Thu  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($230,000)

The final three players take a break to discuss a possible deal, but ultimately they decide to keep playing. Here are their official chip counts:

Seat 1.  Clemen Deng  –  14,500,000  (73 bb)
Seat 2.  Paul Snead  –  18,550,000  (93 bb)
Seat 3.  Brandon Kessous  –  10,200,000  (51 bb)

And here are the payouts they’re playing for:

1st:  $626,950  +  SHRPO Guitar Tower Trophy
2nd:  $415,000
3rd:  $310,000

With three players remaining from a field of 865, the average chip stack is around 14,425,000 (72 big blinds).

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