Josh Nixon was a student in the Boston Debate League when Andrew was the director. In the years since then, Josh been a serious Magic: The Gathering player, taken an interest in poker, and become a Program Director for the BDL. In this wide-ranging interview, he, Carlos, and Andrew discuss win rates in the micros, streaming, making music, dealing poker, teaching debate, and much more.
Episode Transcript:
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An older gentleman around 70s has about $1200 chips in front of him (max buyin $250). He is forcing people to fold with his slightly large bets and opts smaller when he has it.
I raised $12 with As2s on the button. He has around $1000, I have $375.
Middle seat player called me, the older gentleman called from lowjack.
Flop is 3s-4h-6s. I have nut flush draw and lower end straight draw. check – check I bet $17. Player X called, the villain raised me to $45.
I re-raised to $105. The other player folded.
Without thinking too much he re-re-raised to 165. I called.
The pot is around $380-$390. The turn is a Tc. He bet $100.
What do I do? I have $375-12-165=$198 left. He is giving me 1-4.8 odds.
I called. The river is a red 2. I have a pair of 2s. There is no way I am ahead. He pushed me all in. I folded.

Josh Nixon
Josh Nixon is a Program Director for the Boston Debate League and a former BDL debater. He’s also a poker enthusiast, a Twitch streamer, and a musician. Josh previously appeared on Episode 252 and Episode 262.