Event 1 Day 1C: Early Friends

$400 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$100,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Prize Pool:  $215,160
Level 3:  100/200 with a 200 ante
Day 1C Entries:  172

Antuan Bunkley

The Poker Room is filling this Saturday afternoon. Both tournament and cash tables are pulling players into the games, and it’s a fun day in the room.

A few early friends in the mix include Antuan Bunkley, Andre Bryan, Dennis Rodriguez, Hector Pacheco, Solange Lucas, George Dolofan, Jay Romano, and Jennifer David.

Pacheco won this tournament in 2021, Rodriguez won it in 2022, and 2023 champ Carlos Bermudez bagged in Flight B.

Andre Bryan
Dennis Rodriguez
Hector Pacheco
Solange Lucas

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