Event 1: Joseph Kadelock (Nearly) Triples Up

$400 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $1,937,100 | Structure | Payouts
Level 17:  3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Players Remaining:  566 of 5,870

Joseph Kadelock

Ron Katz opened to 12,000 from under the gun and Bruce Bailey called from the cutoff. Joseph Kadelock moved all in for 30,000 from the button and Katz reshipped for 70,000. Bailey thought for a few moments before he folded his hand.

Kadelock: AsJd
Katz: KdQs

Kadelock was ahead for his early double (nearly triple) and held on the no-paint 6s4h2c6c3d board. Katz was down to 40K and eliminated a few hands later.

Joseph Kadelock – 87,000 (15 bb)
Ron Katz – Eliminated in 546th Place ($820)

Ron Katz

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