Final 9 Players Of The 2024 CPG Championship Finals; Zhang Chuan Leads, Feng Zhao Ranked 4th

2024 CPG Championship Finals - Final Table
2024 CPG Championship Finals – Final Table

China Poker Games is just hours away from crowning its newest champion with the 12th CPG Championship Finals (Main Event) now down to just nine players. The finalists were determined on Day 4 with 43 players out of the staggering 3,787 field battling for nearly twelve hours before the the final 9 emerged.

Zhang Chuan at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Zhang Chuan at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Bagging up the largest stack was Zhang Chuan with 26,475,000 (53 bb). Zhang was the demise of numerous players. He shipped a stack with 9d9c over Ad4h on a board 6d10d3c3d10s to bring the field to 15 players. Two busts later, Zhang cleaned out another player with Ah6d over As3s on a board Ac6c4h9s4d to bring the field down to 11 players.

Hu Ruida at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Hu Ruida at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Nearly 20 bb less than the leader was Hu Ruida with 17,075,000 (34 bb). Ruida’s rise began at 12-handed and down to just 6 bb, he doubled up with 3c3d flush against As9s top pair on a board 10h2d10dAd7d. Hu landed another double up with KhKc holding against AcKs that missed the board.

Joe Jiang Zhou at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Joe Jiang Zhou at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Running third in chips is Jiang Zhou with 15,925,000 (31 bb). Zhou entered the day with a healthy 44 bb stack and maintained top three rank throughout. One of his biggest takedowns was railing Wei Zheng in 19th place on a flip with Ace-King finding a river Ace to dust pocket Queens.

Feng Zhao at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Feng Zhao at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

In fourth rank is Singapore’s Feng Zhao, the only international player left in the lineup. Zhao bagged up 13,250,000 (26 bb). The CPG App livestream viewership should see a significant rise with many fans rooting for his victory. Fairly early in the day, Feng eliminated Vietnam’s last hope, Pham Tien Dung in 38th place with JsJd dominating 10c10s.

Wang Song at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Wang Song at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Fifth ranked Wang Song built himself a huge stack that suffered multiple hits to be at risk of elimination at 11-handed. He moved all in for his last 12 bb and proceeded to win the flip against Weiqing Zhai with AsQh flopping the Ace on board 4cAh2d4hJd to survive 9h9d. Zhai plunged to crumbs and was eliminated on the next hand in 11th place.

Ren Haifeng at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Ren Haifeng at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Ren Haifeng was a silent mover throughout the day, racking up 9,875,000 (19 bb) to earn a spot at the final table. At 12-handed, Ren risked all of his chips against Cai Wenqing with JcJd ahead of AsQh on a flop Kd10s8d. With the turn and river AsQh, both improved with Ren showing broadway. To form the final 9, Ren eliminated the ailing Jingxin Wang with KdQs out-kicking Kh10s.

Cai Wenqing at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Cai Wenqing at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

After Cai Wenqing lost the shove against Ren Haifeng, he lucked out against Feng Zhao with Ah7s spiking a Seven on the river to avoid elimination against AsJd. Cai bagged up 7,900,000 (15 bb).

Pang Welping at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Pang Welping at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

Pang Welping closed the day with 5,500,000 (11 bb). Among the pots he collected was a double up through Jingxin Wang at 12-handed with KdKh standing firm against As9h.

Ji Chunhui at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
Ji Chunhui at 2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

To complete the final 9 was Ji Chunhui with 4,700,000 (9bb). It was a struggle for Ji throughout the day with big stacks flanking. At ten-handed, he was just below 5 bb and risked it with 10h9d and found the board 9s3d5cKhAs against Jingxin Wamg’s Jc8c.

Seat Player Stack BB
1 Cai Wenqing 7,900,000 16
2 Feng Zhao 13,250,000 27
3 Zhang Chuan 26,475,000 53
4 Ji Chunhui 4,700,000 9
5 Pang Welping 5,500,000 11
6 Wang Song 12,900,000 26
7 Ren Haifeng 9,875,000 20
8 Hu Ruida 17,075,000 34
9 Jiang Zhou 15,925,000 32

Over the course of five days that kicked off with three starting days amassing a field of 3,787 entries, the 2024 CPG Championship Finals a prize pool of  around US$ 5.5 Million with each one contributing the CNY 10,500 buy in (~US$ 1,480). On Day 2, ITM was reached starting at 405th place.

At the start of Day 4, only 43 players returned with Qingjun Li at the helm. Li’s run was cut short in 15th place after losing a majority of his chips to Jingxin Wang. Pushing with 8s5s from the big blind on a flop 6c4d5d, Wang had AsAh and shipped a huge double up after the turn and river 6sJc.

Of the remaining three international players, Singapore’s Neo Zhi Han entered with the biggest stack of 19 bb but within the first hour, he was sent packing up. Han was later joined by Pham Tien Dung in 38th place when his pocket Tens ran into Feng Zhao’s pocket Jacks.

2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

For Weiqing Zhai, it was an up and down day seeing his stack rise to the top then plunge twice. On two occasions, he went head to head against Wang Song first earning a double up with KsQs over Ac9c on a board KhAs3s5s5h, however, Wang claimed it all and more in a later hand on a flip that eventually saw Zhai fall in 11th place.

2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4
2024 CPG Championship Finals Day 4

The final 9 was determined at the fall of Jingxin Wang in 10th place with Ren Haifeng taking the last of Wang’s chips amounting to 1 bb.

Action resumes at 12pm at the Howard Johnson Resort Sanya, Hainan, China. Spectators will be allowed to watch inside the room and cheer on from a designated area near the final table. Spectators can also watch the livestream from the Player’s Lawn with the LED screen set up or watch via the CPG App. Expect a 30-minute delay.


2024 CPG Championship – News
2024 CPG Championship – Player Guide

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