Michael Helander Doubles Through Mikhail Sniatovskii

Level 25
Blinds: 25,000/50,000/50,000
Total Entrants: 294
Players Remaining: 8

With roughly 300,000 in the middle on a 356 flop, Mikhail Sniatovskii had 325,000 committed on the button, Michael Helander was all in for 1,025,000 in the hijack, and Sniatovskii called.

Helander: QQ
Sniatovskii: 77

The 8 turn gave Sniatovskii additional outs, but the 3 river bricked out and Helander secured the double.

Michael Helander – 2,350,000
Mikhail Sniatovskii – 1,250,000

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