Top 4 Poker Players That Changed the Game

Over the years, some poker players have stood out for not only winning a lot of money but also changing how the game is played. These pioneers have reshaped the landscape of poker and left a lasting imprint on its history.

Doyle Brunson: The Godfather of Poker

Doyle Brunson’s name always comes up whenever one talks about poker legends. Born in 1933, Brunson is also known as “The Godfather of Poker” because of his long-lasting influence on the game. He won ten WSOP rings, including back-to-back Main Event titles in 1976 and 1977. His achievements at the table are outstanding.

Beyond his achievements in tournaments, Brunson is renowned for his contributions to poker literature. His groundbreaking book Super/System at the time provided insights into strategy, psychology, and the game overall.

Chris Moneymaker

While poker has its share of seasoned pros, millions were captivated by Chris Moneymaker’s remarkable win in the 2003 WSOP Main Event, which permanently altered the game.

Moneymaker, an ordinary accountant from Tennessee with no previous professional experience, beat the odds to win the most coveted title in poker, a WSOP bracelet.

His victory led to what is known as the “Moneymaker Effect,” which motivated a new generation of poker players to follow their passions at the tables. Beyond his momentous victory, Moneymaker popularised online poker, proving that anybody with talent, dedication, and a little luck can win the title.

Phil Ivey

Few poker players today are as renowned and respected as Phil Ivey. Ivey was born in 1976, and his quick ascent to fame is evidence of his unmatched talent and commitment to the game.

With an incredible 10 WSOP bracelets to his credit and many high-stakes wins in live and online events, Ivey has cemented his place among the best players ever.

Ivey is renowned for his unparalleled adaptability across many poker variants, fearless aggression, and flawless readings, yet his influence on the game goes beyond his awards.

He is a real sports ambassador, respected by his peers and fans for his strategic insight and unrelenting dedication to perfection.

Tom Dwan

A new breed of poker players was undoubtedly born during the Poker Boom; these players learned the game quickly since they spent most of their time playing it online.

Tom Dwan, famous for his screen name “durrrr” on Full Tilt Poker, is the iconic figure of this generation. His feats in online poker games are legendary. Soon after the Moneymaker Boom, Tom Dwan began playing poker and made his first deposit of only $50 into his new Full Tilt account.

After turning his $50 into a sizable online bankroll, Tom never looked back, unlike many other players who repeatedly went broke.

During the online poker boom era, Tom participated in the biggest games available, competing against the best poker players like Victor Blom, Illari Sahamies, Hansen, and Phil Ivey in historical events that attracted thousands of railbirds at once.

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