Endrit Geci-Dempsey Eliminated in 5th Place ($34,195 + Bounties)

Level 32
Blinds: 125,000/250,000/250,000
Total Entrants: 849
Players Remaining: 4

Endrit Geci-Dempsey moved all in for 1,175,000 from the button, Robert Borick called in the small blind, and Thomas Boivin called in the big blind.

The 45586 board was checked down and Borick tabled 77 to take the pot with a straight, while Boivin’s K6 went into the muck, and Geci-Dempsey’s A9 went into the muck as he was eliminated in fifth place for $34,195 + bounties.

Robert Borick – 13,400,000
Thomas Boivin – 5,175,000
Endrit Geci-Dempsey – 0

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