Kfir Nahum Eliminated in 8th Place ($6,554)

Level 27
Blinds: 40,000/80,000/80,000
Total Entrants: 399
Players Remaining: 7

Kfir Nahum was all in for roughly 3,600,000 in the big blind and was at risk against John Nalbone in the small blind.

Nahum: JJ
Nalbone: AK

The dealer spread the KJ6 flop and Nahum vaulted ahead with a set. The 2 turn brought a sweat, however, and the 3 spiked the river to give Nalbone a flush and the massive pot to hold nearly half the chips in play, while Nahum was eliminated in eighth place for $6,554.

John Nalbone – 7,500,000
Kfir Nahum – 0

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